Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the
Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to
improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

OLESS Meeting Minutes January 4, 2010


Agenda item: Review minutes of December 4 meeting.

Discussion: No new corrections noted. Previously corrected that hairdresser will NOT being perms. Approved.

Agenda item: Update picnic pavilion construction - start construction on March 6, 2010

Discussion: Lumber and materials was delivered. First Saturday in March, March 6 is the 1st proposed work party date. Some people have expressed strong feelings on where it is sited. Already determined it is to be in the NW corner. Exact sitting to be determined.

Action Items: Oren will report on exact site placement subcommittee recommendation at next meeting.

Agenda item: Treasure’s report and update on non-profit status

Discussion: CEKC balance has $2448.60 which includes $1500 from Horizons. Officially granted non-profit status with county wide non-profit!!! First meeting this Wed. CEKC will enable country to funnel economic development funds to communities.

Vern proposed membership cards with non profit # on them. If we spend money how do we prove we donate? Answer: we need to keep track as individuals for tax deductible purposes. Barbara, as treasurer, only needs to acknowledge in writing if amount or value is over $250.

Agenda item: Update on Lease

Discussion: Meeting with ESD lawyers /school board/OLESS/ Martin Jan.11, 10:00 AM Supt office. Vern has submitted changes to draft lease. Should have gone to all school board members. They are invited to attend.

Action Items: Roger and Bob will represent OLESS at meeting next Monday. Don and Sherri volunteered to attend as well so Sherri can address insurance questions that come up.

Agenda item: Insurance

Discussion: Need approval vote by board to have Sherri Starkin make final arrangements and submit costs to Treasurer.

Sherri received quote of $584 for $1M liability. She has not received quote on protection for board members. It is the same company and agent that Bingen museum uses but our application poses higher risk and there is a lot more square feet. Determined that insurance will be in OLESS’s name not CEKC.

Action Items: Board approved up to $800 for liability insurance once lease is signed.

Finance Committee:

1. Finalize decision to rent/not rent nurse’s office and send Ruth Krause official letter telling her the decision.

2. Fundraising committee plan for 2010: review and input for committee work.

a. Discuss Tour de Fleur

b. Discuss FR house party volunteer and financial support for this idea.

c. Building “shower” party date/discussion


§ Request to rent Nurses Room. Everyone agreed that we are not ready to rent out space yet. Will review it 6 months.

§ Fundraising committee met yesterday. Concert with Miss Eleanor Bean at the Dalles Civic Auditorium on Jan 22. We can run a concession plus we will get 30% of procedures. Request board approval $150 to get supplies. $10 tickets will available at Klindts, Country CafĂ©, & Trellis Fresh Flowers. Everyone who can attend is encouraged to come and support this event!

§ Fund raising party house party scheduled for September 19.

§ Building shower – in March or April. Like a baby shower at school. We will hold it in conjunction with a Game Night. A list will be compiled of items to donate like toilet paper, light bulbs, etc.

§ Tour de Fleur – May 1 event. Really more of an economic development for Lyle – motion to make it more of an economic promotion for Lyle. Want to do it, but not focus fundraising.

Action Items:

§ Joy will let Ruth know that we are not ready to lease room at this point and we should know more what we can do in 6 months.

§ Board approved $150 to spend on concession items for the Jan 22 benefit concert.

§ Tour de Fleur – Vern will talk to wineries. Marianne will talk to local businesses. We will try to make this event happen outside the Fundraising Committee.

Rehabilitation Committee:

1. KTC flood and plumbing update

2. Heating system update

Discussion: The water leak was a 2” valve in boiler room burst. Repair group put it back together. Also sink in KTC room had pulled away from wall and caused a leak. KTC room currently does not have a sink and building has no hot water. Need a new circulating pump. Need to purchase a new sink and replace.

Action Items:

§ Decide not to replace sink at this time – close off for now & repair later date. Oren will remove sink. Bob will communicate to KTC.

Other Items Discussed:

§ EDA grant on Jan 14th – Oren will present Barb will go with him.

§ PUD Audit

§ Approved document control procedure OLESS-PP-001 Rev. 0 Control of OLESS Documents. Determined that we will develop and review a new Policy and Procedure for each meeting. Next one is Membership. Don volunteered to draft it. Plan to have an Activity Center website and have a place where we can post the current documents.

§ Census jobs are available. Qualifying tests will be at Lyle Fire Hall Thursday 1/7 12:00 and Friday 1/15 at 9:30. Local contact is Kalama Reuter kalama@embarqmail.com. Barbara will post brochures at post office.

Next Meeting Scheduled:

February 15 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center

(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)


  • Jack Bryan
  • Marcia Buser
  • Joy Collins
  • Lisa Conway
  • Bob Hansen
  • Vern Harpole
  • Risi Howard
  • Lorie Hull
  • Roger Hull
  • Oren Johnson
  • Glenda Lovejoy
  • Terry Mills
  • Harry Moss
  • Barbara Sexton
  • Karen Stafford
  • Sherri Starkin
  • Don Starkin