Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the
Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to
improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.

Friday, March 11, 2011

OLESS Board Meeting Minutes February 14, 2011

Attendees: Vern Harpole, Lisa Conway, Marcia Buser, Barbara Sexton, Norm White, Don Starkin, Sherri Starkin, Oren Johnson

Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.

Agenda item: Treasurer’s Report

Discussion: at end of Jan we have $7632.11. We have been reimbursed for all grants and all debts paid off. Donation covered Lyle Hotel planning meal, and for the CD of building plans.

Taxes- Goldendale treasurer covers CECK filing. Marcia renewed Washington State non-profit for 2011 and paid the $10 renewal fee as a donation.

Barb paid insurance.

Action Item: Sherri will get a corrected copy of insurance to present at school board meeting in March. .

Agenda item: Strategic Plan

Discussion: Committee has met twice since our Saturday planning session and drafted a plan that Lisa sent out today. Identified problem statements from critical issues and how we are going to solve. Final plan will need to be approved by the board. Committee drafted vision statement from our groups’ visioning exercise.

Vision for Lyle Activity Center: A vibrant place for people from all walks of life to gather for activities and events; a community hub with a strong sense of place and pride.

Action Item: Committee will be meeting in a couple weeks –scheduled for Feb 28 at 9:00 AM. All board members are invited.

Agenda item: Institutionalization

1) Job Description for Building Manager: Input received. Letterhead uses Barb’s phone number. Action Item: Finalize and give to Joy for signatures.

2) Project Charter: Lisa received feedback. Suggested to simplify. Still need to identify issues that need to be addressed such as permits, liability. Action item: Everyone review draft. Karen H is using it for her bar-b-q student project.

Agenda item: Museum

Discussion: Terry reported that the heater came in – got bid for $500 to install which is beyond what they want to spend, did not include electrical. Terry looking for ideas to make it workable. Vote that OLESS pays up to $500 for installation, and verify whether a permit is required by engaging a licensed electrician. Ask museum to cover any other extraneous costs up to $200. Terry revised to have museum just donate $200 for installation and OLESS will cover the rest.

Action Item: Barb (on behalf of museum) will give OLESS $200 toward heater installation. Don will find out what requirements are for emergency egress.

Agenda item: Communications

Discussion: Dog poop in park. Look at sign options. Hire Cheyenne to clean up poop? John Grimm willing to donate $200 to solve problem.

Action Items: Lisa will call county for free signs for dogs and no fireworks. Vern will contact health dept for free signs. Vern .

Agenda item: Committee Reports

§ Building: Got copies of prints both hard copy and on CD. Norm and Don will take copies and to make. Oren to get 2 more sets made. Originals to be stored in museum.

Don worked on maintenance plan and comprehensive usage plan. Discussion on occupancy category on Comprehensive Usage Plan. Don will email draft for Board in-put.

Oren presented design for Lyle Activity Center sign. He has volunteers who will make in steel, water jet cut. Board approved to proceed!

Strategic planning meeting Monday Feb 28 at 9:00 and review Don’s comprehensive plan.

Sondra willing to go to SDS to ask for specific products. Don’t need plywood now as got from museum grant.

§ Fundraising: Barb gave Vern a 6 page list of grantors, we could apply to, for grants– we did not get EDA grant request.

§ Programs: Game night – going low key to build up. Got ping pong table now. Slowly building up. Will have karaoke machine. Vern has been doing outreach to kids, word is spreading. Computer classes have 5-6 folks showing up each week. In a week or 2 Lyle Merc will be on-line.

Vern found instructor for Tai Chi – she requires $50 /hour. Need to find a good time. Vern will ask instructor. Commit to 8 sessions. Tie to newsletter. Vern requested $400 for an exercise program.

§ Miscellaneous: Suggestion to have Indian flute festival here in August. Norm will given them Vern’s number.

Agenda item: Public Input

Discussion: Do we want to use the bag distribution to give out a survey? Everyone who has an idea for program give it to Vern.

Action Items: Vern will come up with something on how to get people communication.

Agenda item: School Board Meeting

Discussion: March 24 – Lisa to give report.

Next meeting: March 14, 2011 at 7:00 PM – public meeting open to all members