Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the
Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to
improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

OLESS Board Meeting Minutes January 10, 2011

Agenda item: Treasurer’s Report

Discussion: Barbara presented a new budget format that shows budgeted amount, current and year to date numbers.

Action Item: Other board members should review and give Barbara feedback on the new format.

Agenda item: Insurance

Discussion: Liability renewal is $587 for $1M coverage. Sherri is investigating possible D&O insurance through the Washington State non-profit group: waaco.org. Discussed need to add a liability waiver to the room rental agreement. Moved to pay insurance premium due Feb 25. Sherri recommended everyone carry a personal umbrella policy of $1M.

Action Item: Pay insurance premium by due date. Investigate D&O through WAACO.

Agenda item: Institutionalization

Discussion: Define building managers duties. Agreed to continue to have Joy perform function just need to document what we expect her to do. Lisa shared an example of a project charter for anyone wanting to submit a program or project proposal to OLESS. Requires purpose to be stated in terms of supporting the mission

Action Item: Lisa will draft a building manager duties description. Everyone to review Project Charter form to develop our own version.

Agenda item: Communications

Discussion: Zilke basketball court proposal & Colleen email.

Action Items: Lisa will ask Glenda to contact Zilke for more information, Lisa will ask Colleen to remove tape on walls.

Agenda item: Committee Reports

  • Building: Don putting together a list of what needs to get done for this year. Don will call Building Department to see if we can get an example of a comprehensive building report. We need to submit one for fire assessment.

§ Fundraising: Lisa was able to get $510 in donations for the carpet even though we only needed $350.

  • Programs: Vern is looking for people to do yoga or Tai Chi classes. Would like to start a weekly computer support group where people can come to use computers and get help.
  • EDA Grant: Vern is getting 3 bids for sign that can be controlled via computer. Estimate is $13-14K + $1000 for pole and concrete. Agreed that at the Lions building is the best location.
  • Miscellaneous: garbage can and flag pole halyard have been stolen!

Next Board meeting: February 14, 2011 at 7:00 PM

Attendees: Vern Harpole, Lisa Conway, Marcia Buser, Barbara Sexton, Norm White, Don Starkin, Sherri Starkin, Oren Johnson

Board Meeting Minutes December 2, 2010

Agenda item: Board meeting schedule

Discussion: Board only meetings will be the 2nd Monday of the month Jan – Feb - Mar.

Agenda item: Review allocation for EDA grant


$11,000 grant – already spent:

§ Locks: $1023.00

§ Alarm: $939.46

§ Fire ext: $466.52

§ Tax: $44.45

Agreed to spend the balance of grant money, $8526.57, as follows:

§ Oren reimbursement: $282

§ Putty: $219.60

§ Cross Cut: $3168.75

§ Cardinal Glass: $3957.66

§ + 7.5% county tax

Action Item: Oren will take checks to suppliers. Barbara will present invoices to county by January 31 for reimbursement.

Agenda item: Building Committee

Discussion: Don reported that the following have agreed to serve on the committee: Norm, Oren and Jack Barnes. Don has some other people he will invite as well.

Agenda item: Building Access

Discussion: Everyone with a key now has a personal alarm code.

Attendees: Vern Harpole, Lisa Conway, Marcia Buser, Barbara Sexton, Norm White, Don Starkin, Sherri Starkin, Oren Johnson

OLESS Board Meeting Minutes December 2, 2010

Agenda item: Treasurer’s report

Discussion: $8449.43 balance. $8993.09 left on EDA grant to spend before the end of the year for windows. Bill must be presented to country before December 31st – has to be a delivered product with invoice. See Building Report below for action items.

Agenda item: KTC MOU

Discussion: Reviewed 3 items that KTC . Propose that we do a rental agreement.

Action Items: Barbara will research if we are covered by CEKC B&O insurance. Marcia will respond to KTC that we are withdrawing the MOU and will research and offer a simple rental agreement instead. We will get back to KTC when we find a suitable document format.

Agenda item: Girl scout letters

Discussion: The girls examined the building and found no smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. 3 wrote letters to OLESS requesting these items! Way to go, girls!

Action Items: Lisa and Sherri will buy first aid kits, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers with EDA grant money before end of the year. See below

Agenda item: Building Report

Discussion: § Windows: see above re. EDA grant

§ Security: Norm and Lisa will get keys from Oren and set codes.

§ Other systems: Barbara reported that museum has $2000 to spend from historical grant. Museum will order heating/cooling unit. Consider ordering hotel style heater/air conditioner and get bid for installing if museum’s unit works well.

§ Carpet donation offer: Ron Krause, local flooring contractor, wants to help us with carpet replacement. Discussed pulling up carpet and sealing the asbestos floor.

§ Boiler room tour: tour at end of the meeting. Discussed how to prioritize boiler room roof replacement.

Action Items: § Norm will meet with Oren on Sunday to review window plan. Norm will call Lee to get bid so we can present.

§ Lisa will ask Scott Brewer what kind of fire extinguishers we need.

§ Vern will investigate and buy first aid kits.

§ Barbara will call Terry to let him know who to contact to order one for the museum.

§ Lisa will check with Ron what it will take to pull up carpet, clean glue and seal it.

Agenda item: EDA Grant - New

Discussion: Voted to support Vern to pursue sign grant for OLESS.

Action Items: Vern and Norm to put together information

Agenda item: School Board

Discussion: 3 positions up for election in 2011. Keep on agenda.

Agenda item: Insurance Policy

Discussion: Sherri needs questions on policy as it comes up in Feb. D&O insurance? Are we paying enough? Would be good to meet with agent, Jonathan, as a group so we can ask questions. Currently paying $604 for $2M coverage

Agenda item: Dance Dec 12 2:00 – 5:00

Discussion: Concession – cookies, coffee & water, popcorn.

Action Items: Barb to get cash box. . Meet at 1:00 on day of the dance to get building ready.

Agenda item: Santa is coming twice this year

Discussion: Wed Dec 15 – requested hot water for beverages. Joy and Barb will cover. On Sat 18th Museum will have cocoa and candy canes. Working on getting HS kids for music. Have a Pavilion decorating party on Sat 18th at 10 AM. Marcia will put in “What’s Happening in Lyle.”

Agenda item: Positions and Committee Chairs


  • President – Lisa

  • Vice President – Vern

  • Treasurer –Barb. Don to understudy

  • Secretary – Marcia

  • Program Chair - Vern

  • Building chair – Don

  • Fundraising – Sondra Clark

  • Steering committee – possible candidates: Glenda, Barbara, Rick Pemley, Juliet Pouillon – would be a short term committee

Action Items: Change by-laws so that membership meetings are quarterly. Have monthly meetings of just board, perhaps chairs. Board will have a strategic planning meeting to create vision, plan. Lisa to schedule it tentatively January 15.

Agenda item: Gorge Heritage Museum donation

Discussion: donated 2 book cases for library.

Action Items: Marcia to send thank you: Barbara Sexton, PO box 394, Bingen

Attendees: Vern Harpole, Lisa Conway, Marcia Buser, Barbara Sexton, Norm White, Don Starkin, Sherri Starkin