Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the
Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to
improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Minutes August 15, 2011

Agenda item: Review and approve minutes from July 11, 2011

Action item: Approved with no corrections.

Agenda item: Treasurer’s report - income $470, expenses $ 1501.75.

Discussion: Current balance: $5415.76. Biggest expense was repair and maintenance. Water bill is back in the red at $246.90 but will even out as water is paid by community fund.

Agenda item: Communication

Discussion: Sherri has gotten some donations for OLESS table at market. Barb is met a man who is donating an electric sign. Don will come down to help unload. He is also donating and antique barber chair to the Museum.

Agenda item: Old Business

a. Window project: nothing more has been done. Wood still in Portland, glass is still at Cardinal. Motion approved that we notify Oren that the window restoration project will be managed by Building Committee now and notify vendors that Oren not authorized to pickup material. Concern about credibility on EDA grant. Cardinal Glass notified us that we must pick up glass within 30 days or they will dispose of it.

Write a letter to Oren to let him know that he is no longer on the project. Lisa will draft.

Inform vendors that Oren is not authorized to pick up. See if we can get credit for wood. Norm will research refund option and investigate options on wood.

b. Fireworks ban in Lyle: Responded that we would write a letter requesting Community Council have a community discussion. Mildred said she did not see the need.

c. Farmers market: Gorge Grown truck driver says Mosier has one of most successful market in Gorge. Have more entertainment and kids activities. .

Agenda item: New Business

a. Bob Hansen and Renee Tkach presented plans for Cherry Orchard Trail Head.

b. Domaine Pouillon wants to borrow our popcorn machine for movie nights at the winery.

c. Co Op initiative fell through – Azure Standard will not deliver in Lyle.

Agenda item: Committee reports

Building Committee (Don & Norm):

a. Permit for museum heater – Don recommends that we talk to Vern’s electrician friends and have museum heater put on panel.

b. Boiler room roof – got permit, in. Inspection sheet – 2 inspections. Will need to get a dumpster & coordinate date to do work. Get work parties scheduled. Estimate materials are $1000. Has to be pre-approved by the county.

c. Energy audit – lighting and heating audit was done about 2 years ago – Don getting a copy and will share.

d. Critical issues update:

§ Panic hardware on doors – Norm will do in winter.

§ Signage (doors to remain unlocked and max occupancy) – no update.

§ Oven/stove removal – next time someone in accessing circuit panel, turn off oven/stove. Not done yet – Just need to unplug circuit for now.

e. Boiler room circuit breaker replacement – Vern got bid.

Grounds Committee (need a chair):

a. Greener! Norm still has work to do on sprinkler. Spots that are not getting sprinkler coverage are brown. Need to install additional sprinklers so coverage overlaps. Norm is still working on it. Lisa will email Martin about mowing lawn.

b. Community use/abuse – set up security cameras with signs, experience shows it deters a lot of crime. Use future grant money for this.

Programming committee (Vern):

No updates.

Rental committee (Barb):

Pavilion rental policy. Cannot reserve it because it was wide open but groups can pay for building use. Two groups wanted power and use of building. First group paid $75 for family reunion, 2nd group paid $50 for birthday party. Stick with fees. $75 all day, $50 half day for building rental.

Fundraising committee (need chair):

a. Home Depot grant for up to $5000 for community volunteer based activities. Current grant must benefit veterans. Starting January HD will open grant to other community projects so we will look at applying then.

b. Grant from BNSF – nothing done yet.

c. Fall fundraiser is set for Oct 29. Vern is in charge… invited Gorge paranormal group leader to come tell ghost stories.

Open Forum:

§ Harry reminded everyone that his PA system is available to use whenever needed.

Next Meeting Scheduled:

September 12 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center

(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)


§ Barbara Sexton*

§ Lisa Conway*

§ Don Starkin*

§ Sherri Starkin*

§ Norm White*

§ Marcia Buser*

§ Mildred Lykens

§ Terry Mills

§ Renee Tkach

§ Bob Hansen

§ Harry Moss

*Board member

Minute July 11, 2011

Agenda item: Review and approve minutes from June 13, 2011

Action item: Approved with one spelling correction.

Agenda item: Treasurer’s report - income $610, expenses $571.73.

Discussion: Current balance: $6,447.01 Allied Waste will not pick up recycling at businesses. Got ahead on the water bill.

Agenda item: Communication

Discussion: Nothing to report.

Agenda item: Old Business

a. Lyle Farmers Market - capture as volunteer hours. Can we drive on lawn? OK in small cars, could damage sprinkler heads, but can flag the 2 in that area. Gorge Grown truck could make ruts as ground gets watered. Revisit where they park.

OLESS to donate $24 for Grange Boys to play on the 23rd.

Gorge Grown truck can accept food stamps since we have wi fi.

b. Sign updated: No updates. In interim, get another banner in brighter colors to hang on building.

c. Building phone: new phone number, 509 592-9709, messages comes to the Starkin’s computer.

Action items:

Get OLESS business card made - Vern will go to Bohn Printing.

Agenda item: New Business

a. Klickitat Landing Coop – Juliet is starting a co-op from Azure Standard (AzureStandard.com ). Would be delivered every other Thursday, using LAC as the drop point. There would be a manager and volunteers. Coop members pay dues to cover expenses to OLESS. Juliet has a commercial refrigerator to donate that could be used.

b. Skyline – Vern met with business manager of clinic. Manager, Cindy Robertson, was not that keen on the idea however looked at demographics – Lyle zip code has 3000 people and about 500 patients in Lyle zip code. If their next levy passes, they want to use our nurses room. More to follow based on levy results.

c. Fireworks – signs seemed to help. Next year we need to contact DNR, still need human presence. Mildred requested that we present a request to restrict fireworks in residential areas. Board will review off-line.

Action items:

Coop: OLESS board approved concept. Juliet to present a plan for installing a commercial refrigerator and installing. Determine annual membership fee. Proposed $5 annual membership. Start in August.

Agenda item: Committee reports

Building Committee (Don & Norm):

a. Permit for museum heater – no update. Air conditioner works well in museum. Norm and Vern met with guy who did electricity for the south end of building. He will give us a bid to do other end of the building and a circuit to the pavilion. Vern is getting a bunch of estimates. Don will look into getting in an energy audit. Need hard wired emergency exit signs with battery back-up.

b. Boiler room roof – No updates, materials list is less than $1000. Need to get the permit to WS on a Mon, Wed or Fri at Pioneer Center – Lisa will take. Need to pick a date for a work party but need the permit first. Order dumpster.

c. Critical issues update:

§ Panic hardware on doors – Norm will do.

§ Signage (doors to remain unlocked and max occupancy) – no update,

§ Oven/stove removal – next time someone in accessing circuit panel, turn off oven/stove. Juliet will get removed if put in fridge for Klickitat Landing Co op.

d. Boiler room circuit breaker replacement – get a quote from Marc. Don will call him.

Grounds Committee (need a chair):

a. Norm has done a lot of work on grounds and irrigation. Timer doesn’t work so sprinklers must be manually turned on and off.

b. Dead tree needs to be removed. Lisa called PUD which did not respond. The line through the tree is not a PUD line. Dave Harris would charge $350 to cut and remove. Table for now. Fall project.

c. Community use/abuse -

Programming committee (Vern):

a. Tai chi class is going fine. Vern will be close to recouping the money he put in for the first classes.

b. Trying to get AA group and lecture series started for fall. Marketing is always the hard part.

Rental committee (Joy):

Barbara is in charge of rentals and Joy is doing maintenance.

Fundraising committee (need chair):

a. Home Depot grant for up to $5000 for community volunteer based activities. Need to itemize – have a separate meeting. Norm, Lisa, Don to meet Thursday morning at 8:30.

b. Grant from BNSF – Lisa needs to look at.

c. Fall fundraiser was set for Oct 29.

Strategic planning committee:

Voted and approved strategic plan as presented.

Open Forum:

§ Miscellaneous discussion not captured.

Next Meeting Scheduled:

August 8 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center

(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)


§ Barbara Sexton*

§ Vern Harpole*

§ Lisa Conway*

§ Don Starkin*

§ Sherri Starkin*

§ Norm White*

§ Juliet Pouillon

§ Mildred Lykens

§ Terry Mills

§ Joy Collins

*Board member