Agenda item: Review and approve minutes from June 11, 2011
Changes to add to last month minutes:
1. On Gorge Grown Mobile – add: want to keep rules and regulations and management simple as possible.
2. Boiler room roof- add: need to get estimate on cost of materials before purchasing.
Action item: Approve with the 2 additions.
Agenda item: Treasurer’s report
Discussion: Current balance: $ 6408.39. Actually had more income than expenses in May. $55/month for porta potty for summer.
Agenda item: Communication
Discussion: Nothing to report.
Agenda item: New Business
a. Lyle Farmers Market - flyer done. Meeting June 22 4:30-6:30 Gorge Grown providing training for vendors. Not a lot of vendors for July, but a couple already interested and in August should have more produce vendor. 4 local craftspeople: Homemade quilts, Gorge photography. Lisa will get pricing on a banner. Will advertised on HS reader board at bus barn – Lisa and Sherri to put up. Need to call Rick Knowles? Vendor fee? No fee this but can ask for donation.
Propose also get a banner that says Lyle Activity Center Meeting Rooms for Rent. Need to figure out phone number.
b. Skyline building use and program – CEO will present at Lion’s club on Thursday. Review possibility of a clinic in Lyle. If goes well, they are planning to do a Health Fair in Lyle in August.
Action items:
a. Approved up to $150 for a banner – Lisa to get it. Also get pricing for LAC banner.
Don will research how to connect a phone at the LAC.
Agenda item: Committee reports
Building Committee (Don & Norm):
a. Permit for museum heater – no update.
b. Boiler room roof – Norm took permit in, but needs a legal description. Lisa will see if can find parcel number. Norm has materials list. Oren knows a company in Rowena that does rubber roofing. Norm will get a price on rolled roofing for now.
c. Critical issues update:
§ Panic hardware on doors – Norm will do.
§ Signage (doors to remain unlocked and max occupancy) – no update,
§ Oven/stove removal – next time someone in accessing circuit panel, turn off oven/stove.
d. Boiler room circuit breaker replacement – get a quote from Marc. Don will call him.
Grounds Committee (need a chair):
a. Hole behind backstop. Norm will fill with dirt.
b. Barb was approached by a landscaper. Bid to weed eat & rake length of field $275, back side $120. Determined that we cannot afford this service and must rely on volunteer labor for now.
c. Dead tree needs to be removed. Would someone want it for the wood? Lisa will try to contact Dave Harris.
Programming committee (Vern):
a. Game night done for spring. When starting up in fall advertise it for adults.
b. Will try computer classes again fall.
c. Tai chi – had 6 classes but could not get enough. However Janet Essley might do private classes.
d. Jazzercise has not happened in a while.
e. Right now no kids programs scheduled.
Rental committee (Joy):
Rented pavilion for all day in August for a family reunion for $75. Determine if need a P&P.
Fundraising committee (need chair):
a. Grant from BNSF returned Lisa’s call. Grant application on line. Use strategic plan to budget for grant.
b. Fall fundraiser was set for Sept 10. Could conflict fire dept fundraising in mid-Aug. Look at Halloween themed event. Oct 29? Move to Halloween. Haunted house – use boiler room. Put something in To The Point asking for planning committee.
Strategic planning committee:
Lisa passed out the final draft. Everyone is to review and we will vote finalizing on next meeting.
Open Forum:
§ Miscellaneous discussion not captured.
Next Meeting Scheduled:
July 11 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center
(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)
§ Barbara Sexton*
§ Vern Harpole*
§ Lisa Conway*
§ Don Starkin*
§ Sherri Starkin*
§ Norm White*
§ Glenda Lovejoy
*Board member