Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the
Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to
improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Submitted by: Juliet Pouillon
Place: Lyle Methodist Church Basement, Lyle, Washington

Vern Harpole - Chairperson
Barbara Sexton
Dan Smith
Oren Johnson
Darrin Zilke
Deanna Zilke
Harry Moss
Lisa Conway
Barbara Mills
Terry Mills
Juliet Pouillon – volunteer secretary
Lorie Hull
Roger Hull
Dave Sauter
Martin Huffman
Ruth Krauser

Meeting Minutes

All comment are paraphrased, no direct quotes are listed unless quotation marks are used.

Vern (Chairperson) called meeting to order, 7:05pm

Informal Introductions
Review Adgenda
Bldg demolition and repair estimate passed out to meeting attendees by Martin Huffman.
Informal Survey Results from the Lyle Spring Clean Up discussed
~2/3 people surveyed would like to save & repair the bldg. and tht they use the green space on a regular basis.
~1/3 people surveyed don’t care or would like to see the bldg torn down

Question to group: How can the community help the school board? What does the school board want?

Response from Martin Huffman: The green space is unique in Lyle. Elementary School has been decommissioned because it is not needed. The space inside the school has been used in the past and could be used in the future.

Needs Possible Solutions
Teacher Housing Duplexes/Low-income housing
Museum Space Parking Lot
Activity Center Breezeway
Classroom Space

Bldg is expensive to maintain (~$600/mo.) until solution can be found.
School is not looking to make money, just break even


Questions from group:
Wouldn’t it be fun if the community helped tear it down?
Is there any assurance if it is torn down that something will replace it?
How does the school district not become a personal investor?
If maintenance funds are found, would we (as a community) be able to buy time and stave-off the demolition?
Comments from group:
Martin: if the school district had no liabilities, that would be fun. The school district has funds for demolition from ‘Capitol Funds.’
Lisa: Mixed-use space has merits, offers more of a community feel with people actually living nearby the green space. A “normal village” feel.
B. Mills: It needs to be fixed up so it’s not continually vandalized and “dark.”
Martin: (In response to why Lyle can’t use the Klickitat model) Klickitat is one community that is forged around one school district. Lyle school district encompasses 4 different communities: Lyle, High Prairie, Dallesport, and Appleton. Anything that is done to the school needs to take into account that tax payers from 3 other communities could be paying for it as well as Lyle community members.
Danny: Does school district have money for teacher housing?
Martin: There is a possibility for federal funding.
Vern: Would like it if school board gave the community some options… find a mutually beneficial outcome for everyone.
Lorie: There is a possibility of the Horizons program becoming a 501(c)3 and being able to attain some grant money for a project like revitalizing the school – just need more time.
Martin: the school board is receptive to plans & to making money off of the bldg. Selling it for $1 is not a smart business idea for the school.
Oren: White Salmon School district example (partnership w/ Insitu), Would this option work for the Lyle School district? The bldg. is sound, it could be salvaged. Why tear it down? Interested in buying time.
Vern: If $600/month for maintenance fees and utilities could be raised by community, would the school board accept a community stewardship of the bldg. Long-term lease style of arrangement?
Martin: Liability is the main concern & keeping the green space.
Darrin: why would w pay $85K to tear it down when the community might do it for free?
Martin: Has to be licensed contractors because it is a state bldg. The demolition & repair estimates are made available to the school board, public has access.
Oren: Are the estimate realistic? Was there a second opinion or estimate? Could another estimate be attained?
Lorie: Is lot dividable? Then green space could be preserved and bldg taken down or rented separately? Could an appraisal of bldg value be done?
--6 lots, 125’ each
q. Oren: What if money for demolition was reallocated to beautification?
Vern: If Lyle had it’s own “Parks District,” then there wouldn’t need to be a discussion about 3 other communities and what they would like the bldg to become.
David Sauter: School district needs a plan.
Martin: this project is not a priority for capitol monies.
Lorie: Bldg is the heart of the community, make it a healthy community center. This will showcase Lyle and encourage Lyle growth. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

Vern gives summary of agenda he will propose to school board.
Give the community some time to come up with a plan.
No date has been set for the demolition.
Separating the lots and selling is a popular idea.
Solution should be sustainable for +30 years.

Wrap up of meeting, each person states what they would like to see happen.

In order of accord:

Buy Time
Community Center
Tennis & Basketball Courts
Make it a safe Place
Use everyone’s expertise to solidify community & fix existing bldg.
Use lot above as amphitheatre

Next meeting tentatively scheduled to be in one month’s time.

Meeting Adjourned 8:35

“Solution to the Lyle Elementary School Meeting” CREATEDATE 4/16/09 5:21 PM

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