Facilitator: Vern Harpole Note taker: Marcia Buser
Attendees: See list at end of minutes
Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.
Agenda item: Review minutes November 2 meeting.
Discussion: No corrections noted. Approved.
Agenda item: Treasurer’s Report
Discussion: Have $1,139.39. Museum will donate $100/month until a project comes up. Bazaar earned $190 for tables, $221.43 from taco bar, $54.10 from raffle. Room rental income $65. The Starkins donated $90 and Lisa Conway donated $50 for taco bar and popcorn.
PUD water bill disbursement: PUD sent draft letter to council. Board commissioners will review the request. Proposal appears well received. About 280 residential water customers in Lyle. Water bill averages $1048/year for the Activity Center. Would come to about.46 cents per bill. Sewer bill would have to go through same review. Next schedule rate hearing will be in May. Council can request specific amounts, such as $.75 for water and $.25 for sewer. We can request an earlier hearing than May. If approved, money collected is put in a reserve and the bill is paid from that.
Action Items:
§ From now on we all need to record what we have donated in time, money and items. Passed around log. Log is available in front hallway. Request that everyone who comes in building sign in and record work done as well as any donations of items or money.
§ Request Barbara to present the PUD water bill disbursement put on the next council agenda, and request an earlier rate hearing with specific amounts for water and sewer.
Agenda item: Bylaws & Membership
Discussion: Glenda summarized changes – made language more consistent. Added membership that one must be a member to be on the board. Membership to be defined in policies and procedures later.
Limits of indebtedness, annual audit policy, membership will be covered in policies and procedures. Discussed that Vice president is the liaison to all the committees, takes reports from committees.
Membership discussion: all agreed it is open to all, no geographic constraints. Fee or no fee? $5 annually or equivalent donation of goods or services. Try it and review annually. Benefits of membership: vote for board members, discount. Weighed pros and cons, did not decide.
Action Items:
§ Approved bylaws with minor amendments as discussed: VP has committees reporting, remove audit requirement. Copy of bylaws is attached at the end of these minutes.
§ Membership: leave it up to the board to define.
§ Vote on board of directors, see below.
Agenda item: Committee Reports
Finance Committee:
§ Bob on grants
o Finance committee met with Lorraine Reynolds who is a professional grant writer from Goldendale. Left it that she will keep her eyes and ears open for potential grants, if we are successful she will get a finders fee
o EDA grant: Lyle Community Council passed on request for $11,000. Oren will present on January 14 to EDA board.
§ Lorie reported $1500 Horizons Grant was approved, still awaiting receipt.
§ Lisa on fundraising: Next meeting Tues Dec 15. Goal is to firm up with spring fundraiser, Tour de Fleur on May 1. We will just be hosting as a hub for other organizations. Dec 5 we’ll meet with someone in Mosier who has done a fundraising house party – explore this more. House party has potential to make a lot of money. Game Night will not have a fundraising component for now.
§ Joy on room rentals:
o Discussion on Nurses Room. Ruth Krause and her husband are willing to fix up room. Would require a vent. Lisa presented Ruth’s proposal for room. $100/month, replace window, flooring, replace counters, improve lighting. She does not do perms. Electricity is an issue – can we support her needs? Ruth requested access to room for a month rent-free to fix up room. When board is in place, will review and vote. Also contingent on lease agreement.
o Discussion on building usage. Need some consistency to not open ourselves up to criticism of favoritism. Want to welcome community, have a “PR” job to sell the concept so we may not always want to charge. Consensus that a year from now, things will be different. It is hoped that we will have grants in place to not have to charge for room usage.
Rehabilitation Committee:
§ No reports. Believe that someone is coming to fix the heaters soon.
Lease Committee:
§ Update on lease from Vern: Roger, Vern, Bob and Lorie met with Martin about language in lease that Board could take building back if levy failed. School board trying to protect public education. They will all meet with attorney from Vancouver to help us get through the clause (school is paying for the attorney). Need to hammer out language that would require us to make annual report on usage, if they wanted us building back that they would have to reimburse us for all we have put into the building. Could be a win-win situation for everyone.
Gazebo Update:
§ $8000 worth of wood will be delivered in next couple of weeks. Will need a bunch of help to stack and secure materials after it arrives.
Agenda item: Board of Directors
Discussion: The following were nominated to fill the 7 board positions:
1. Vern Harpole
2. Marcia Buser
3. Barbara Sexton
4. Roger Hull
5. Oren Johnson
6. Lisa Conway
7. Don Starkin
§ The slate was voted on and approved
§ An additional action items was agreed that we would ask Austin Howard to chair a youth committee.
Next Meeting Scheduled:
January 4 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center
(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)
- Jack Bryan
- Marcia Buser
- Joy Collins
- Lisa Conway
- Bob Hansen
- Vern Harpole
- Colleen Hatfield
- Risi Howard
- Mildred Lykens
- Terry Mills
- Barbara Sexton
- Karen Stafford
- Lorie Hull
- Roger Hull
- Glenda Lovejoy
- Sherri Starkin
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