Attendees: See list at end
Agenda item: Review and approve minutes from Feb 10, 2010
Discussion: Approved with the following correction: KTC rent decrease will be to $50/month, not $75month as stated in meeting.
Agenda item: Treasure’s report
Discussion: Current balance is $2243.39. Includes a $1000 donation. Received $52 from concession stand at illusionist show, received $90 donation from Harry D.
EDA grant has been approved for windows, locks and fire escape lights.
Agenda item: Picnic pavilion and green space
Discussion: In an activity arranged by Portia Mastersen, about 20 students have prepared plans for Lyle’s greenspace that included placement of the gazebo, a native American tribute, walking paths, and plantings. Most of the ideas placed the gazebo in the NW corner at a 45 degree angle as we are doing.
Vern and Norm staked out the proposed placement of the gazebo this weekend. Gazebo will have a 16’ x 36’ footprint.
Action Items: Austin, Lorie and Roger to review current placement and reposition stake to allow adequate spacing with skate park.
Agenda item: Tour de Fleur Wine Tasting
Discussion: Board approved Vern to spend $60 for the permit. We will request that the wineries reimburse us for the permit. Syncline, Cor, Poullion and McCormick wineries are on board to have a wine tasting event May 1. Vern will apply for the liquor license on behalf of OLESS. Wine tasting will officially be held by OLESS.
Action Items: Investigate 1 day insurance (certificate of liability) for the event.
Agenda item: Storage room used by the museum
Discussion: Someone put a hasp on the door. Museum has used this area for storage of exhibit items, items for the annual yard sale fundraiser and event materials.
Action Items: We will remove hasp and re-key so some museum members and OLESS master key holders can open. Continue to let museum use the room for storage with understanding that OLESS can also use the storage space if needed.
Agenda item: Membership policy and procedure
Discussion: Don did a great job drafting the membership policy. First item to be resolved is to create a position for membership chair.
Lively discussion ensued on the whole concept of “membership” and if that is exclusionary. Idea to use the term “supporter” instead of “member.” However, current Bylaws refer to members and member elect board., Who will have voting rights.
Action Items: Roger and Lorie will discuss their ideas with Don. Marcia will reformat into Policy and Procedure format.
Agenda item: Heat
Discussion: There are several issues delaying us from getting the heaters fixed.
Action Items: Approved Oren to spend up to $150 to get a 220 heater to at least keep the chill off the center room.
Agenda item: Computers
Discussion: confirmed that computers are not workable.
Action Items: Oren will contact John Taylor to come get computers and monitors for recycling/salvage.
Agenda item: “Thursdays at 3:00”
Discussion: Vern proposed we have a standing work party so people know that they can come help out at the Activity Center on a specific date and time.
Action Items: All agreed with idea. Begin weekly work parties this week. Work through priority list established by Oren. Marcia to include in “What’s Happening in Lyle”.
Agenda item: Lease
Discussion: Board has been reviewing the draft lease sent by the school district attorney. There are still a few items that need to be resolved. We have the meeting scheduled for March 22 to go over in person.
Action Items: Vern will research White Salmon’s and Klickitat’s agreements for their school building used by other organizations to give us ideas of how others have done it.
Next Meeting Scheduled:
April 12 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center
(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)
- Jack Bryan
- Marcia Buser
- Lisa Conway
- Bob Hansen
- Vern Harpole
- Risi Howard
- Lorie Hull
- Roger Hull
- Oren Johnson
- Marian Lewis
- Steve Little
- Mildred Lykens
- Harry Moss
- Juliet Pouillon
- Donna Enz
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