Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the
Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to
improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Agenda item: Review and approve minutes from April 14, 2010

Discussion: Approved with no changes or corrections.

Agenda item: Treasure’s report

Discussion: Current balance: $3297.83. Vern spent last of lumber company money today. Colleen will submit bill to Barb for $74.65.

Cultural Exchange is going to give $250 to OLESS for use of building during event. Next year Cultural Event will budget in money for OLESS.

Recent donations: Oren donated $109 for canvas. The Harpoles donated $60 for special liquor license, $5 for lights and $50 for trim on pavilion. Roger donated $198.99 in building materials. Don Starkin donated $20 for electrical supplies.

Agenda item: Update on Pavilion and Lease

Discussion: Lease was signed for 10 years with 2 extension options.

Pavilion: probably have all the materials to finish. Not decided yet what will be under pavilion – considering several option including liquid concrete over ground. Roof decking should be completed tomorrow, shingles next week or two.

Action Items: Colleen will get quotes for a plaque for pavilion. Mildred will draft article for next newsletter that acknowledges all the volunteers who built pavilion. We will pick date for a formal dedication at the next OLESS meeting. Marcia to scan lease and email to board members.

Agenda item: Update on EDA grant

Discussion: Lorie signed paperwork for grant on Friday. Only Lyle and Snowden are getting grants. CEKC is writing a memo of understanding for communities to be the fiscal agent for a 5% administrative costs. $11,000 is available.

Action Items: Lorie will fill out Organization Support Request Form and Grant Support Request Form for OLESS to submit to CEKC. Any group that is using CEKC as a 503(c) 3 fiscal agent needs to submit forms.

Oren will submit receipts for locks and security to EDA.

Agenda item: Update on Horizon's money.

Discussion: Lorie submitted request for $8500 for leadership opportunities and support programs.

Agenda item: Update on building rehab

Discussion: Vern has an electrician who is willing to donate community service hours. Can rewire panel janitors closet and rewire for insta-hot and put in a decent circuit breaker panel. Labor will be free, but will need to pay for supplies.

Oren waiting on 3 bids on heating and cooling system. Building has 600 amps coming into it – lots! Have plenty of electricity, but current heating system is totally inefficient.

Agenda item: Fundraising

Discussion: Need bids and building plan so we can ask for money – need it for grants and fundraising purposes.

Action Items: Subcommittee will meet in next 6 weeks to develop building project plan. Bob will head up.

Agenda item: Membership/Supporters/Board of Directors policy -- get it in writing and approved

Discussion: Need to get it done!

Action Items: Marcia will draft for review by next meeting

Agenda item: Building /room rentals promotion

Discussion: Have been getting word out. People need to understand that building is theirs to use. Perhaps a sign on building to let people know. Will discuss building promotion, signs at next meeting. .

Agenda item: Form a programs committee... we need to start doing something besides parties, cleaning, fixing and raising money

Discussion: Programs: guest speakers, classes, community gardens, workshops. Yoga, bingo, When are we ready? If building renovation going on can it work. Children’s art program – summer youth program. Senior cards after lunch. Ongoing educational programs as part of Cultural Exchange. Fund wireless access. Computer class for seniors. Low cost spay/neuter clinics for cats and dogs.

Action Items: Sherri will go through surveys. Bob will call Gorge.net to see if we can get wireless set up in building.

Agenda item: Comments/open mike

Discussion: Vern is going to start having a picnic every Thursday at 6:00 – invite community to join him. To start after Memorial Day in Pavilion.

Bob asked if we want to do another Tour de Fleur. Will have a meeting to debrief and decide.

Mildred and Colleen suggested using Nurses Room as concession. Put in concession window? Building considerations.

Do community dance this summer?

Next Meeting Scheduled:

June 21 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center

(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)


  • Bob Hansen
  • Marcia Buser*
  • Colleen Hatfield
  • Vern Harpole*
  • Lorie Hull
  • Roger Hull*
  • Oren Johnson*
  • Sherri Starkin
  • Don Starkin*
  • Karen Beck
  • Mildred Lykens
  • Jack Bryan

*Board member