Agenda item: Review and approve minutes from April 14, 2010
Discussion: Approved with no changes or corrections.
Agenda item: Treasure’s report
Discussion: Current balance: $3297.83. Vern spent last of lumber company money today. Colleen will submit bill to Barb for $74.65.
Cultural Exchange is going to give $250 to OLESS for use of building during event. Next year Cultural Event will budget in money for OLESS.
Recent donations: Oren donated $109 for canvas. The Harpoles donated $60 for special liquor license, $5 for lights and $50 for trim on pavilion. Roger donated $198.99 in building materials. Don Starkin donated $20 for electrical supplies.
Agenda item: Update on Pavilion and Lease
Discussion: Lease was signed for 10 years with 2 extension options.
Pavilion: probably have all the materials to finish. Not decided yet what will be under pavilion – considering several option including liquid concrete over ground. Roof decking should be completed tomorrow, shingles next week or two.
Action Items: Colleen will get quotes for a plaque for pavilion. Mildred will draft article for next newsletter that acknowledges all the volunteers who built pavilion. We will pick date for a formal dedication at the next OLESS meeting. Marcia to scan lease and email to board members.
Agenda item: Update on EDA grant
Discussion: Lorie signed paperwork for grant on Friday. Only Lyle and Snowden are getting grants. CEKC is writing a memo of understanding for communities to be the fiscal agent for a 5% administrative costs. $11,000 is available.
Action Items: Lorie will fill out Organization Support Request Form and Grant Support Request Form for OLESS to submit to CEKC. Any group that is using CEKC as a 503(c) 3 fiscal agent needs to submit forms.
Oren will submit receipts for locks and security to EDA.
Agenda item: Update on Horizon's money.
Discussion: Lorie submitted request for $8500 for leadership opportunities and support programs.
Agenda item: Update on building rehab
Discussion: Vern has an electrician who is willing to donate community service hours. Can rewire panel janitors closet and rewire for insta-hot and put in a decent circuit breaker panel. Labor will be free, but will need to pay for supplies.
Oren waiting on 3 bids on heating and cooling system. Building has 600 amps coming into it – lots! Have plenty of electricity, but current heating system is totally inefficient.
Agenda item: Fundraising
Discussion: Need bids and building plan so we can ask for money – need it for grants and fundraising purposes.
Action Items: Subcommittee will meet in next 6 weeks to develop building project plan. Bob will head up.
Agenda item: Membership/Supporters/Board of Directors policy -- get it in writing and approved
Discussion: Need to get it done!
Action Items: Marcia will draft for review by next meeting
Agenda item: Building /room rentals promotion
Discussion: Have been getting word out. People need to understand that building is theirs to use. Perhaps a sign on building to let people know. Will discuss building promotion, signs at next meeting. .
Agenda item: Form a programs committee... we need to start doing something besides parties, cleaning, fixing and raising money
Discussion: Programs: guest speakers, classes, community gardens, workshops. Yoga, bingo, When are we ready? If building renovation going on can it work. Children’s art program – summer youth program. Senior cards after lunch. Ongoing educational programs as part of Cultural Exchange. Fund wireless access. Computer class for seniors. Low cost spay/neuter clinics for cats and dogs.
Action Items: Sherri will go through surveys. Bob will call to see if we can get wireless set up in building.
Agenda item: Comments/open mike
Discussion: Vern is going to start having a picnic every Thursday at 6:00 – invite community to join him. To start after Memorial Day in Pavilion.
Bob asked if we want to do another Tour de Fleur. Will have a meeting to debrief and decide.
Mildred and Colleen suggested using Nurses Room as concession. Put in concession window? Building considerations.
Do community dance this summer?
Next Meeting Scheduled:
June 21 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center
(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)
- Bob Hansen
- Marcia Buser*
- Colleen Hatfield
- Vern Harpole*
- Lorie Hull
- Roger Hull*
- Oren Johnson*
- Sherri Starkin
- Don Starkin*
- Karen Beck
- Mildred Lykens
- Jack Bryan
*Board member
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