Agenda item: Treasurer’s Report
Discussion: Barbara presented a new budget format that shows budgeted amount, current and year to date numbers.
Action Item: Other board members should review and give Barbara feedback on the new format.
Agenda item: Insurance
Discussion: Liability renewal is $587 for $1M coverage. Sherri is investigating possible D&O insurance through the Washington State non-profit group: Discussed need to add a liability waiver to the room rental agreement. Moved to pay insurance premium due Feb 25. Sherri recommended everyone carry a personal umbrella policy of $1M.
Action Item: Pay insurance premium by due date. Investigate D&O through WAACO.
Agenda item: Institutionalization
Discussion: Define building managers duties. Agreed to continue to have Joy perform function just need to document what we expect her to do. Lisa shared an example of a project charter for anyone wanting to submit a program or project proposal to OLESS. Requires purpose to be stated in terms of supporting the mission
Action Item: Lisa will draft a building manager duties description. Everyone to review Project Charter form to develop our own version.
Agenda item: Communications
Discussion: Zilke basketball court proposal & Colleen email.
Action Items: Lisa will ask Glenda to contact Zilke for more information, Lisa will ask Colleen to remove tape on walls.
Agenda item: Committee Reports
- Building: Don putting together a list of what needs to get done for this year. Don will call Building Department to see if we can get an example of a comprehensive building report. We need to submit one for fire assessment.
§ Fundraising: Lisa was able to get $510 in donations for the carpet even though we only needed $350.
- Programs: Vern is looking for people to do yoga or Tai Chi classes. Would like to start a weekly computer support group where people can come to use computers and get help.
- EDA Grant: Vern is getting 3 bids for sign that can be controlled via computer. Estimate is $13-14K + $1000 for pole and concrete. Agreed that at the Lions building is the best location.
- Miscellaneous: garbage can and flag pole halyard have been stolen!
Next Board meeting: February 14, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Attendees: Vern Harpole, Lisa Conway, Marcia Buser, Barbara Sexton, Norm White, Don Starkin, Sherri Starkin, Oren Johnson