Reminder: keep track of your volunteer hours! Log in front.
Agenda item: Review and approve minutes from March 14, 2011
Discussion: Approved
Agenda item: Treasurer’s report
Discussion: Current balance: $ 6257.22. Year to date. Barbara still trying to get water bill straightened out. Should be correct now.No major outstanding bills. Just standard PUD and garbage bills to pay this month.
Agenda item: Porta Potty
Discussion:Last year was about $50/month. Probably don’t need after the cultural exchange or June 1st. Long term: consider investigating a more permanent solution to outdoor bathroom.
Action item: Mike M volunteered to investigate in context with the .
Agenda item: Klickitat St between 3rd& 4th
Discussion: Periodically comes up that it would be nice to close the street to through traffic.Would need to write a letter to county public works. Discuss with county to close – just propose investigating. Concept of paved flat place.Would need to get input from fire department. Another option is to turn it into a one way street with parking. Road department will be at the next council meeting on the 25th.
Action item: Bob H will call Gordon Kelsey for some fact finding.
Agenda item: School Board Meeting
Discussion:Lisa presented to board. They seemed to be happy with what are doing. Concerned that we are thinking about safety as we develop things. One of the board members concerned about chimney. Oren has a plan for how to make it safe.
When we get permits, not clear if it is in our name or the school board. Martin agreed that the intent is that we are responsible for the building so it would be our name.
Martin is getting a copy of the key and getting trained on alarm.
Agenda item: Feedback from new person
Discussion: No address was available on the web or phone book for Lyle Activity Center.
Action item:Marcia will add address to blog and web site. Lisa will buy some vinyl numbers for the front door.
Agenda item: Building committee
Discussion: Got a nice response from county building dept to the submitted plan. Building got an A3 occupancy which means 50-300 people. Communication after walk-through: Can’t have dead bolts; sign required that door remain unlocked when building occupied; each room has max of 49 people in 1” letter; cook top and oven must go; need lighted exit signs. Emergency lighting and fire extinguisher – given letter where to place. If get electrical permits need to give copy to county when approved.
Don’t need smoke alarms. Heating system: county strongly suggests that we do an energy audit. If portable devices installed ok, permits required for permanently installed. Need to get advice from electrician whether we need permit for museum.
Windows ok as long as not changing size and structure.Need permit to remove ceiling. May need plumbing permits depending what we do.
In general, we are OK with what we are doing and no time limit.
Mildred brought up that she wanted the window in nurse’s office that window remain so it could be used as a pass through to outside for serving food. No plans for right now and will keep that in mind if we do.
Action item:Don to talk to Norm and meet with Mark on electrical permits for heaters before next month’s meeting. Don will send out copies of letter from Skip and put in file. Vern to get duplicate key made to lock door open.
Agenda item: B-B-Q with High School
Discussion: last Thursday they poured foundation, next Sat will fill with sand, then put rest of it up.Should be done in about 2 weeks. Will strictly be for briquettes.
Agenda item: Dog poop
Discussion: Vern led a poop round-up and could only find one poop. Buy metal cans with dog poop station. Need to be chained, including lids.
Action Items: Need to buy 2 metal garbage cans with chains. 1 for pavilion and 1 to be determined.
Agenda item: Earth week flag
Discussion: Bob H requested to fly earth flag during Earth Week, April Wed 20 – through 27. Vern reported that we must fly US flag higher. .
Action Items:.Vern will give Bob H the US flag and meet to show him how to fly flag. Mike M will join them.
Agenda item: Programming Committee
Discussion: Vern presented that ongoing computer class is getting some more people 4-5 folks helping each other. Really need a printer. Could take on project to print signs for building. May ask for people in class to donate to buy printer – do a field trip. Need computer and printer. Marcia will give Vern camera.
Game night going fine.Vern talking with tai chi lady Thursday at 4:00. Vern met with county person who works on social issues – ideas: start local kick ball team, open mic night, music in the park, start AA group, start parenting class for dads, lots of cool ideas. Paying classes: beer-making club, cheese making. More to follow… Contacted CEO of Skyline, Mike Madden, to see if there is anything they can do. Nothing specific yet.
Action Items: Approved for Vern to have $200 for programs.
Agenda item: Rental Committee
Discussion:Nurses office is now the OLESS office.Laurece is injured and not able to help open the building so cannot provide back-up. Joy reported that she is satisfied with how building is working however does not like to be called 15 minutes before. Need adequate time: need one day’s notice.
Action Items: Barbara and Lisa will organize office space.Enforce that users need to arrange at least 24 hours ahead to use.
Agenda item: Fund raising
Discussion: Darren Zilke had idea for bottle redemption – Lisa will respond that if he wants to have an event to collect bottles he may do so. Silent auction idea for fundraising.Naming rights for donors.Everybody too burned out to discuss in depth for right now.
Other Items:
§ Cultural exchange
§ Board meeting to review strategic plan.April 18th at 7:00 PM at Clark’s.
§ Maryann wants to do a volunteer dinner – she would provide the venue and one dish and we would do a potluck.
Next Meeting Scheduled:
May 9 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center
(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)
§ Barbara Sexton*
§ Vern Harpole*
§ Lisa Conway*
§ Don Starkin*
§ Sherri Starkin*
§ Joy Collins
§ Roger Hull
§ Sondra Clark
§ Bob Hansen
§ Annie Maguire
§ Mike Maguire
*Board member
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