Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the
Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to
improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Meeting Minutes March 12, 2012

Agenda item: Review and approve minutes from February 12, 2012

Action item: Approved with no new corrections.

Agenda item: Treasurer’s report - current balance $2,863.78. Income: $339 income. Expenses: paid Joy, PUD, heaters: $4,037.65.

Discussion: Will not spend any more money on the building until have more income. Now have heaters so can rent. Anticipate summer for museum to move. $319 PUD bill in March. Water bill $121.

Action items: See discussion on comparative rental charges and revenue possibilities.

Agenda item: Communication

Discussion: Reviewed information from WA State Sec of State on registering with the Charities Program. Reviewing the criteria, it was agreed that OLESS did not qualify at this time as we do not received more that $50,000/year in public donations.

Agenda item: Old Business

a. Game Night: Risi attended and requested that we extend game night night for another month. Vern talked to Johanna Rowe of Klickitat Skamania Children’s Network. Have $476.45 left. Have spent 223.55 for supplies & food, $300 in salary. Have left: $280 for materials and supplies and $200 for salary. Risi will keep using for pizza. Extend through May 4th will be the awards night. Vern and Risi will present to KSCN on March 30.

b. Marketing for Building & restructuring building fee: Cindy presented her findings on a market analysis on room rentals. Up to 50 people: $40 per hour. Smaller room $20 an hour. Package birthday party $180 or $220. TV-DVD available classroom $45 for 2 hours, $30 each hour.

Cindy shared idea for “trunk shows”- sales shows, crafts shows, antiques, health care, hobbies (RC, boats, trains), franchisees, have themed shows. Could coordinate with Lions Breakfast. Booth space rent. Have a regular show. Could join Mt Adams Chamber of Commerce. Cindy will organize a health fair – May 5. Will contact RC enthusiasts.

Agenda item: New Business

a. New tenant possibility: Catlink is looking for a facility to rent to continue spay/neuter clinics. Vern will tour possible space with Carmen, Catlink director, and Marcia on Friday. Catlink is part of Rowena Wildlife Clinic which is a 501 c (3) organization so fits with mission.

b. Austin stopped by to let us know that there is various gaming equipment – foosball table, pool table, that could go into one of the rooms to provide an arcade. All agreed that this is unlikely to generate revenue in itself but could be part of a party room for rentals.

c. Stuff in hallway: will be removed on Thursday.

d. Mural idea: Vern shared that at community council meeting winery folks asked us to beautify and identify building. Janet Essley willing to take ideas that are submitted to make it for community ideas. Vern is going to spearhead – goal to have something by summer. Cindy brought up upkeep issue.

Agenda item: Rental Committee

No report.

Agenda item: Building Committee

a. Boiler room – still needs flashing for roof before inspection. Permit expired 2/4/12 – Norm will check for getting it extended. Waiting for good weather.

b. Doors & signage – no change. On hold.

c. Don will look into getting the Telco pedestal removed from the south side of the bldg.

Agenda item: Other items

a. LAC sign needs to be tied – Vern will tie down..

b. Barbara shared the new Horizons brochure which just came out. Cultural Exchange photo on cover. Lyle Hotel photo inside and Vern is quoted.

c. Barbara shared that CEKC has money for training – will do in May or June. Financial education (example: how to get bank account, financing a home, budgeting). Barb is pushing to have here. CEKC is alternating having meetings here and WS to encourage Skamania folks. Money is part of a Paul Allen grant specifically to hold training.

d. Home Depot grant – no one else stepped forward. Norm has a list of supplies. May all that is needed is to re-submit.

e. Pilates is ending at the end of March unless instructor gets more students. Snow birds will be returning.

f. Vern is working on a fundraiser at Syncline Winery. Donating his collection for a vertical tasting.

g. Vern nominated Norm to run next meeting.

Next Meeting Scheduled:

April 9th at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center

(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)


§ Barbara Sexton*

§ Cindy Bluemel

§ Don Starkin*

§ Marcia Buser*

§ Norm White*

§ Risi Howard

§ Roger Hull

§ Terry Mills

§ Vern Harpole*

*Board member

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Meeting Minutes February 13, 2012

Agenda item: Review and approve minutes from January 9, 2012

Action item: Approved with no corrections.

Agenda item: Treasurer’s report - current balance $8067.72.

Discussion: Paid another year for Magic Jack, gave Risi $200 for Game Night, reimbursed Norm $1,100. Feb expenses will be high for heaters. Heaters are $2889.00, owe $1148.65 to electrician for heaters. Norm working with electrician. Looks like it will end up being around $5200. Have $4352.38 in checking and all bills paid except for electrician bill. Income this month was $691. Some other rental income, normal is $280 plus special events. Voted to give Norm $500 for labor.

Action items: Marcia will add to WHIL that there is heat now on rental. Cindy will research restructuring rental fee – review proposed changes.

Agenda item: Communication

Discussion: Nothing to report.

Agenda item: Old Business

a. Game Night: World Globe being constructed, won’t fit out of room!

b. Annual Planning Meeting updates: Norm got a basketball hoop donated. Will require being mounted. Action item: Add to WHIL that we need someone to take on project mount the basket ball hoop. Funding is needed for this project – probably take about $200. Contact Lisa if interested.

Agenda item: New Business

a. Terry brought up that they 11 sheets left from project, about $200 worth. Is OLESS interested in buying it or taking in lieu of rent? Could use in Boiler Room. Decision not to buy now as won’t need for quite a while.

b. Don will get an estimate on heat usage to factor rent.

Agenda item: Heater

Discussed under Treasurer’s Report.

Agenda item: Grounds

a. Final inspection on roof – Don will call to get inspection scheduled. Flashing needs to be fixed first. Have a window of time to get inspection.

b. Another volunteer wants to help on work parties. Luke Wyler.

Agenda item: New Business

a. Sherri mentioned that if we do a wine taste off fundraiser need to consider insurance issue.

b. Reenactment event with museum…

Next Meeting Scheduled:

March 13 at 7:00 PM at Lyle Activity Center

(Formerly known as the Old Lyle Elementary School)


§ Barbara Sexton*

§ Lisa Conway*

§ Don Starkin*

§ Sherri Starkin*

§ Marcia Buser*

§ Terry Mills

§ Norm White

§ Cindy Bluemel

§ Roger Hull

§ *Board member

Meeting Minutes January 9, 2012

In Marcia Buser’s absence Mildred Lykens took the minutes

Attendees: Vern Harpole, Mildred Lykens, Barbara Sexton, Lisa Conway, Lourece Bonham, Karen Beck, Norm White, Sandy Doolin and Cindy Bluemel.

Meeting was called to order by President Lisa Conway at 7:10 PM.

Minutes: No one had corrections or additions to the minutes on line.


  • Treasurer: Sexton handed out reports for both November and December. Explaining any questions asked. The ending balance being $9,279.56. (attached)
  • Communications:

ü Barb Sexton received a grant denial from BNSF

ü Vern Harpole received a $1,000.00 grant from Klickitat County Skamania Community Network for funding “Game Night”. They will reimburse receipts presented to them for up that sum to cover ten consecutive Friday nights. Risi Howard has been hired to supervise these nights and receive payment for her time but needs to submit receipt for expenses.

  • Boiler Room: Norm White stated that there was a leak in the roof but it was a minor problem and he would look into it.

Visitors: Joe Howell from Gorge Glass was on hand to offer suggestions as to what can be done as far as the windows throughout the building. He is willing to work with the board at their request regarding their priority on where and how many windows to be placed at a time. He will wait for decision to be made as to preference of using the windows at hand or the purchase of vinyl windows that would be more energy efficient. He would then give an estimate of the cost per order. Norm will get back to him after discussing with Don Starkin.

Old Business:

  • BAZAAR: Sandy Doolin, Karen Beck and Laurece Bonham were on hand to report and present the revenue taken for last the holiday bazaar rental and donations. $285.00 for booth fees, $77.00 for the quilt raffle that Karen Beck made and donated, and $9.50 for cook books that a lady donated for sale. Totaling $372.00 cash. A discussion ensued as to better advertising which Cindy Bluemel suggested they approach both the Hood River Chamber of Commerce and the Mt. Adams Chamber. It was also suggested that OLESS help pay for the advertisements in the local papers which met with positive agreement. No motion was made or voted on.
  • Game Night: Vern reported that he and Mildred were the only two to show up and found out later that they were a week early. Communications are sadly lacking between members as to what and when things are planned.
  • Drapes: Lisa Conway thanked Vern Harpole and Mildred Lykens for the drapes in the middle room. Lykens offered that it was also Jordan Harpole that helped mount them and they had been donated by the Harpole family.
  • There was a vote with a the 4 board members of OLESS agreeing to authorize expenditure of up to $3250 to buy and install heater/AC through wall units in the middle and South classrooms. $1000 each for heaters, $500 each for installation and $250 for electrical parts for the breaker panel in the boiler room. The project will proceed as soon as Norm can get time and a work party organized.

· Driveway Issue: Mildred Lykens reported that no signage would be necessary for the Metz property across the street for she had called and they assured her that it was not an issue and to refrain from purchasing any signs.

New Business: Nomination of officers was tabled to next month.

· Marketing: Cindy Bluemel suggested that the LAC needed to be marketed in order for it to reach its full potential. A discussion determined that she might chair that committee after speaking with Sherrie Starkin. Lykens mentioned that it would be more marketable if it provided comfortable heating. Harpole stated that Warren Lightle was still volunteering to work on and explain how to fix the plumbing in the boy’s bathroom this coming Thursday (Jan. 13th). Harpole also stated that he had an electrician friend that was willing to help rewire for new heaters. Discussion and a show of hands determined that we would move forward on that issue.

Next Meeting: February 13th 7 PM ** ** Adjourned: 8:30 PM ** **

Minutes taken by: Mildred E. Lykens