Mission: Working together to preserve and maintain the
Old Lyle Elementary School building and park as an activity center and green space to
improve the quality of life for the Lyle community.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Meeting Minutes January 9, 2012

In Marcia Buser’s absence Mildred Lykens took the minutes

Attendees: Vern Harpole, Mildred Lykens, Barbara Sexton, Lisa Conway, Lourece Bonham, Karen Beck, Norm White, Sandy Doolin and Cindy Bluemel.

Meeting was called to order by President Lisa Conway at 7:10 PM.

Minutes: No one had corrections or additions to the minutes on line.


  • Treasurer: Sexton handed out reports for both November and December. Explaining any questions asked. The ending balance being $9,279.56. (attached)
  • Communications:

ü Barb Sexton received a grant denial from BNSF

ü Vern Harpole received a $1,000.00 grant from Klickitat County Skamania Community Network for funding “Game Night”. They will reimburse receipts presented to them for up that sum to cover ten consecutive Friday nights. Risi Howard has been hired to supervise these nights and receive payment for her time but needs to submit receipt for expenses.

  • Boiler Room: Norm White stated that there was a leak in the roof but it was a minor problem and he would look into it.

Visitors: Joe Howell from Gorge Glass was on hand to offer suggestions as to what can be done as far as the windows throughout the building. He is willing to work with the board at their request regarding their priority on where and how many windows to be placed at a time. He will wait for decision to be made as to preference of using the windows at hand or the purchase of vinyl windows that would be more energy efficient. He would then give an estimate of the cost per order. Norm will get back to him after discussing with Don Starkin.

Old Business:

  • BAZAAR: Sandy Doolin, Karen Beck and Laurece Bonham were on hand to report and present the revenue taken for last the holiday bazaar rental and donations. $285.00 for booth fees, $77.00 for the quilt raffle that Karen Beck made and donated, and $9.50 for cook books that a lady donated for sale. Totaling $372.00 cash. A discussion ensued as to better advertising which Cindy Bluemel suggested they approach both the Hood River Chamber of Commerce and the Mt. Adams Chamber. It was also suggested that OLESS help pay for the advertisements in the local papers which met with positive agreement. No motion was made or voted on.
  • Game Night: Vern reported that he and Mildred were the only two to show up and found out later that they were a week early. Communications are sadly lacking between members as to what and when things are planned.
  • Drapes: Lisa Conway thanked Vern Harpole and Mildred Lykens for the drapes in the middle room. Lykens offered that it was also Jordan Harpole that helped mount them and they had been donated by the Harpole family.
  • There was a vote with a the 4 board members of OLESS agreeing to authorize expenditure of up to $3250 to buy and install heater/AC through wall units in the middle and South classrooms. $1000 each for heaters, $500 each for installation and $250 for electrical parts for the breaker panel in the boiler room. The project will proceed as soon as Norm can get time and a work party organized.

· Driveway Issue: Mildred Lykens reported that no signage would be necessary for the Metz property across the street for she had called and they assured her that it was not an issue and to refrain from purchasing any signs.

New Business: Nomination of officers was tabled to next month.

· Marketing: Cindy Bluemel suggested that the LAC needed to be marketed in order for it to reach its full potential. A discussion determined that she might chair that committee after speaking with Sherrie Starkin. Lykens mentioned that it would be more marketable if it provided comfortable heating. Harpole stated that Warren Lightle was still volunteering to work on and explain how to fix the plumbing in the boy’s bathroom this coming Thursday (Jan. 13th). Harpole also stated that he had an electrician friend that was willing to help rewire for new heaters. Discussion and a show of hands determined that we would move forward on that issue.

Next Meeting: February 13th 7 PM ** ** Adjourned: 8:30 PM ** **

Minutes taken by: Mildred E. Lykens

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